Happening Friday: Conversation with Jane McGonigal (Agenda + Zoom Link)

Happening Friday: Conversation with Jane McGonigal (Agenda + Zoom Link)

On Friday, we'll host the second live event of the Techno-Visions Book Club. We'll be joined by futurist Jane McGonigal to discuss the themes of the future in Player Piano and explore questions about imagining and building possible futures more broadly.

Extra credit, to bring to the discussion:

  • To help seed the discussion, feel free to come with one of the following:
    • A quote/passage from Player Piano that got you thinking about the future
    • A question or reflection about think about the future that came to mind while reading Player Piano
    • A question or reflection sparked by the Q&A we conducted with Jane about the craft of forecasting the future.

Jane McGonigal: Friday, September 13

9:00am San Francisco | 12:00pm New York | 5:00pm London | 6:00pm Berlin

Is the future something we have to get used to or something we shape?

0:00 – 0:30
Member Discussion
Members will join for a 30-minute discussion about Player Piano and the theme of imagining and building the future. As part of the discussion, we'll come up with questions for Jane McGonigal who will join on the half hour.

0:30 – 1:00
Conversation with Jane McGonigal
Jane will join us for a conversation about the theme of imagining and building the future. The conversation will be moderated by Editor-in-Chief Evan Nesterak.

1:00 – 1:30
Bonus: Extended discussion with Jane McGonigal
For those that are able to stay beyond an hour, we'll continue the discussion with Jane about the theme of imagining and building the future.

Zoom link: https://ideas42.zoom.us/j/89351966773.

See you there!

— Evan

PS—I am still prepping the Simon Johnson conversation recording to share with you. You haven't missed anything. I'll be sharing it soon.